Due to council regulations/renovations the bonfire was limited in size this year, but that didn't stop our fun. We all (well, some of us) met up at 8:30ish on Saturday morning, and with the rain gently spitting, set about our job to build a bonfire to woo Marple. In terms of size, the bonfire was about one quarter of it's usual hugidity, and ten feet shorter. This was also reflected in the time it took to build it. Usually, it takes us until about 3pm to finish the building, but this year, it was all over by a stunning 10:30!!! (Saving the Scout group the Chip-money it normally forks out for the "Workers") With all the work done, the bonfire was left to dry out, with the leaders choosing to utilise their free time in various ways, though most chose to play snooker. At 6:30pm the "bonty" (John Bintliff) was set alight, with the help of a little Paraffin, given to us kindly by Hollins, Marple. The bonfire burn well throughout the night, and was still firing on all cylinders after the fireworks, when the fire was fed, and almost destroyed by the power (should that be weight?) put on it by Beard and Stu Fletcher. The firework display worked well. Despite the slow start of strobe-light fireworks, the audience was wowed by the large and colourful explosions. No Waterfall this year, but the battle between the Submarine and the Ship was well worth watching. A boring patch of the same firework again and again ensued for a minute or two, but then it was back to the exciting, and no doubt expensive, fireworks. The display was finished with a loud bang, and the "Good Night" sign sprang into action. The Ventures and Leaders then cleared up, and were glad to get out of the mud-pit that was Brabyns Park. Overall, a good night, with a majority of quality fireworks, and crowd satisfaction. We took around (I am told) £6000 on the gate, and that's not including the £19 the Ventures made through selling tickets. Over half of this will pay for the fireworks. Still, should keep subs down for another year or two....