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Despite Tommy Togs ordering a press blackout on a subject which will interest anyone who knows Tommy Togs, we managed to get there first. In a secret Edinburgh cellar Andrew Tognarelli spoke of the weekends events. Currently in hiding from his brother we had to be blindfolded and spun round in a swivel chair before meeting him and then told not to be sick on the carpet.

It was the 13/14/15 of October this year when Andrew had finally managed to book a weekend with his highly successful brothers, just after they had settled in around the country.
"We met in Edinburgh, they caught the bus up. I had hired a car and the plan was to go to the cairngorms near Aviemore for a weekends walking"
          This wasn't how it turned out after someone mentioned in the car that they should attempt the three peaks one day (Ben Nevis, Scafell and Snowdon in 24hours), Andrew instigated the weekend and asked why not now? With no objections their course was set to Fort William while on the way to Stirling.
          Arriving at Safeways, Fort William at midnight they attempted to get some sleep in the renault Clio they had hired. They would rise at half 2 and begin walking up Ben Nevis with the aim of getting back down to sea level at Caenarfon 24 hours later having done Scafell Pike and Snowdon on the way down.
          In the Light rain, at half 2 they woke and packed their bags.
"The night was cold and we didn't want to spend too much time hanging around after we said go, so everything had to be prepared."
At 2.43 am on the Saturday morning they touched the water at the sea loch by Fort William and began the challenge. By 5.43am they had given up the challenge on Ben Nevis. Having begun the climb knowing the usual high level conditions would occur (mist, wind, rain, etc..) they easily reached the loch plateau and began to ascend the zigzags up the side of Ben Nevis. Adi Togs, looking right for the pub, in fleece, shorts and trainers was not appropriately dressed but this seemed not to hinder him.
           At the end of the second switchback, having lost the path twice in the mist, and surrounded in a very complete darkness, they decided to descend.They were 600metres below the summit and about 3km away.
"It was just too big a risk and not worth killing ourselves for. The torches didn't like working in the cold and rain so we didn't have too much choice."
They descended the way they had come up accepting defeat, regardless of what others would say. These experienced and deterined ventures would have hung on to the last.Guaranteed.
So the challenge was over. With discussions to give up being bandied about, the aim was decided to be to complete the course in the shortest time possible.
The drive down to Glasgow and Seathwaite in the lake District, England ran smoothly and they had arrived by 11.05 am.  A rapid ascent of Scafell pike followed, They were at Esk Haus within 1 hour and summitted at 12.50, just 40 minutes later. An equally rapid descent meant they were back in the car munching Scotch eggs and pasties by 2.10pm.
"We were quick and Ben Nevis hadn't dulled us. We practically marched up overtaking loads of people, and seeing people still climbing as we went down. Last time on the 3 peaks we never made it to the real summit. This time I made sure although all my cairns had dissappeared. The weather was warm and dry but misty in patches up top: Not really a problem for us since that was our 3rd ascent of the hill this year!!!"
By 6.30 the drive to Pen y Pass youth hostel had been completed on the Llanberis pass in wales.
"We had a little trouble with roadworks and a diversion but no major problems. Our time was only 12 minutes slower than when Pieface took us in the Crushmobile."
"conditions were dry again and we quickly motored along the miners track with no real injuries. My knee was playing up and I think tommy was getting miffed by his holey shoes but otherwise everyone was good."
The final climb to snowdon went up into the mist and the path was soon lost in the cloudy night sky.
"we saw some railings lying on the ground and walked over them as we thought the path went that way. It was only at the end we read the sign saying "Danger Deep Mines below".That was a little scary."
Eventually they found the massive steps that lead to the tourist path
and followed the path easily to the summit. Having started at 6.37pm they had got to the top in 1hour 33 minutes. pretty quick.
an easier descent followed down the same path but much easier as they could see the cairns. Reaching the car at half  9 still with more than 5 hours on the clock they sped down to Caernarfon to stop the clock at 10.23pm.
They had finished with 4 hours and 20 minutes to spare. There seems no doubt that had they had patience and time to spare at the beginning, the challege would have been walked over.
Last time the team took 5hrs 17 to get to the top and substituting that in they would still have just under 2 hours left. Naismith would probably have bet his money on them getting to the top in that time, but the question is did they complete their challenge?
"No, Not technically but we could have easily. Better planning and scheduling and we'd have been away. If we'd done Ben Nevis in the morning, Scafell at Evening and Snowdon at night I would be saying yes right now. Will we do it again? that remains to be decided?"
The team: Andrew, Adrian, Thomas Tognarelli

The Times:             Tognarelli                            '99 Corb/Pamf/QS
Ben Nevis                  DNF/ 3hrs                              5hrs 17
to Scafell                   5hrs 22                                  5hrs 10
Scafell Pike               3hrs                                       4hrs 53
To Snowdon               4hrs 20                                  4hrs 8min
Snowdon                   2hrs 52                                   4hrs 29
total                           19hrs 40min                          24hrs 30min

Andrew Tognarelli was speaking to our Chief Events Reporter