In the unlikely event that you wish to give your views on the canoeing, either Thursday night or Saturday, send it to
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Cobden Canoeing July 2002
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The Scouts' appetite for canoeing had been whetted during the Thursday night when they had been each given a ten or twenty minute slot on the lake, and this led to a reasonable turnout for the Saturday canoeing session.  Around 15 turned up, not including leaders, which meant that we had to split into two groups in order that everyone got a fair go in our eight canoes (one leader also had to be one the water at all times because of the Scout POR), but most had had enough of canoeing by 11 o clock and were happy to sit on the side sunbathing and waiting to put an order in for lunch (having eaten the one their mothers had packed!) or jump off the jetty that, funnily enough, sank whenever there were too many people on it.

A chip run was done by Pie, which seemed to take an unreasonable amount of time  with some conspiracy theories going round that he had forgotten us, or that he had gone home for a shower!

The afternoon was spent rafting, jumping and swimming in/on the water, and everyone had a nice time in the sunshine, although a few finished off with pink faces!  The keener canoeists were taken to do their Canoeing badge by our resident expert (Andy Togs), and all passed with flying colours, having been able to go forwards and backwards in a straight line, stopped well, capsized and had a level of control over their mini-boat.

Phil Cargill spent most of his time sat on the back of somebody's canoe shivering, whilst Rick Statham started the idea of going out into the middle of the lake so that he could get a better suntan, away from the shade of the trees.

Before long it was time to go and we all set about dismantling the rafts and lugging the canoes back on to the trailer from which they had came.  Everyone was home by 4 o clock, in time for Malcolm in the Middle, whose theme tune we had been singing all day.

Overall, it clocked up a stunning 9.5 on the fun-o-meter, with the sun, wind, and rain seemingly on our side.
In the unlikely event that you wish to give your views on the canoeing, either Thursday night or Saturday, send it to
Lost property:  the leaders found three pairs of wet underpants following the day out.  Anyone wishing to claim back the skimpy red, blue and green pants should contact John Dawson, who was the unfortunate leader, forced to pick them up!  ("You're the one in charge Pie, not me!")
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