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Ask anyone in Manchester about the commonwealth games and they will say it was a resounding success.  Not only were tickets fully sold out months in advance, but there was a fast running track, brand-new stadium, friendly people, and, most importantly, an informed crowd.  Informed may not be the word one would or could use to describe our Scouts, but they showed real enthusiasm for the athletics, not least by getting up early to catch a train!

Upon arrival at the stadium we were searched, frisked, forced to drink all our cans of pop, and then made our way towards our seats, which were high up in the North stand.  After blowing pocket money on souvenirs and gifts, the events got underway and the incessant cheering began.  It has to be said here that despite our singing and dancing, and much to our disappointment, we were not featured on the big-screen.  Just one glimpse of ourselves would have turned it into a real gem of a day. 

Although the events were hardly spectacles by any standards, they were a new experience to most of us.  We saw the qualifying round of the Long Jump and the Shot Putt in terms of field events, and the 4x100m Men's relay amongst others on the track.  Perhaps the highlight of the day was watching the Blind Men's 100m sprints, which broke everyone's expectations.  They ran in 4 man heats, and were accompanied by a "Guide" who ran alongside them to ensure they stayed on course.  Half didn't know how to use starting blocks, and some were even tied to their guide with pieces of cord, but they raced with honour and courage to produce exhilarating races.  We even saw a new World record set in the event by the man who would later go on to claim Gold that evening. 

Lunchtime came, and the morning session of Athletics ended, meaning it was time to go home.  After skipping our way through a maze of streets we were safely back on the train, and ready to enjoy the rest of the day's games on TV.

The day was enjoyable and original, with most scouts saying it reached new highs on the Fun-o-meter.  We may not have seen some important races, but it's nice to think that we helped with creating the superb atmosphere for the games, and contributed to making the Commonwealth games 2002 the best one yet!
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July 2002
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