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During the Global Scouting jamboree experience I had lots of moments that I will never forget and met lots of people from all the nations of the world.  In short, Thailand has to be the best place that I have ever visited and the best holiday I have ever been on, except family ones ......of course.

My trip to Thailand began at Manchester airport at 6.00am on the 22nd December 2002  All prematch preparation had been done during the year on various camps, and I could finally begin to look forward to the holiday after all the fundraising I had done. (He does such a lot of work for charidee!)

22nd & 23rd December - These days were both travelling days due to time zones ect... During both of these days I received lots of lovely plane food during our 22 hours of travelling, but didn't touch the drink. I loved the plane ride, and the inflight movie was even better, I think it was one of those Disney Cartoons... wicked!

24th December - Today was our first day in the hotel; we spent a day by the pool.  It was great fun making human pyramids (that I was at the top of), throwing people into the pool and throwing people 3 metres into the air. Here I'd like to thank John Dawson for his copious practice nights building human pyramids at Scouts it all came in useful

25th December - Today was also a day by the pool. But Shock Horror, today was Christmas day. No presents, but I'd been a bad lad all year anyway. That night we were taken to a massive convention hall for a massive Christmas party and a proper turkey Christmas dinner. Sorted. Respect Due. 

26th December - Today we were given a tour of Bangkok.  We visited the Royal Palace and the Buddhist temple, I had to restrain myself from biting a Monks ankle after he joked about the English being moody!  We then took a boat ride and went to a seafood restaurant where I saw all my Nippy friends.

27th December - Today was the transfer to the jamboree Campsite. It was quite an eventful journey as we broke down half way there and had to get a new coach.  

28th December - We were setting up camp again today, I was the best Tent Constructor on site, but I reckon Marple Network could have beaten me for speed. In the evening there was the opening ceremony.  The opening ceremony was all really exciting. They brought an elephant into the arena; there was also a Thai flagging display and Thai boxing display. (They must have boxing day, 2 days later than us then  - ed.)

29th December - Today was the first day of activities. I went wind surfing, rafting, swimming and did some T-shirt printing with chlorine.  Pretty cool huh?  Winter Weekend : Eat My Dust!

30th December - Today was the community action day; we went to a local school to help them to do some building or painting work etc. I help to sand, prime and paint an ornamental bridge. In Thailand scouting is a part of the school curriculum for both boys and girls (there are no guides in Thailand) and I wish it was back here in Blighty. They all wear scout neckers to go to school and they look damn smart if I do say so Myself  although quite a few hadn't got their scout books on them.

31st December - Today was a free day with it being New Years Eve so there wasn't much on apart from the Massive News Years Eve party that night. However being a complete Kinderboy I managed to miss the party of a lifetime so that I could sleep in the New Year. Leave me alone... I was just too tired okay...

1st January - Today was another day of activities; I went to the city of science today with the Geeky Scouts, and to the tournament where I did the hardest obstacle course that went up the side of a steep hill. (When he explains it like that you can imagine the ferocity of the course, it must have been awesome. Incredible.)

2nd January - Today we visited a crocodile farm which breeds crocodiles for the people of Thailand to eat .. well maybe not.  This was one the best days we had, I got to feed a crocodile twice although I felt like bititng his tail myself after he snatched at the second fish. Really No manners at all. Also today I got sit on the back of an elephant. (No Comment  ed.)

3rd January - Today was another free day so I spent today resting and walking around talking to people and swapping badges. Now I can cover at least 17 camp blankets no problem.

4th January - Today I became one of the few to visit the site hospital as I was having problems with my breathing because of the dust, real fine stuff that had you choking and sneezing really badly. Being an unprepared scout I had forgotten my gas mask, I won't make that mistake again.

5th January - Today was another free day in which I packed for our departure from the jamboree site.  In true summercamp training my bag was packed by 4am, my tent was down by 6am and I had picked up all the twigs on a littersweep of the campsite.  You boys back home would have been proud of me. However nobody told me I was staying another night. Fools.

6th January - Today was another free day in which we started to take our campsite site down. That evening was the closing ceremony which I was taking part in, it was great fun we had to go onto the stage with two helium filled balloons and make a giant union jack (there was about 200 people) and then let the balloons go.
7th January - Today we left the jamboree site to travel to Kuala Lumpur for Home Hospitality. But when got to our HoHo (HOme HOspitality) destination we found that there had been no families organized for us. County had screwed up as usual so I spent the night sleeping on the car park in the middle of a forest area. Cheers UK Scouting. Imbeciles.

8th January - Today we were travelling to a hotel in the centre of Kuala Lumpur, which had been organized for us by the UK support team. They finally managed to get one thing right.

9th January - Today we went shopping in the Petronas Towers shopping centre; this shopping centre was about twice as big as the Trafford centre and was designed by the Legendary Architect Cesar Pelli. The Petronas Towers are currently the tallest in the world. That evening we went to a Chinese restaurant and visited china town afterwards. The chinese was better than the Marple takeaways but they don't do chips.

10th January - Today was our last day in the hotel we packed our bags. We then had free time until 6.00pm when we departed for the airport for the journey home. I won't tell you which areas of town I visited.

We arrived home at Manchester airport at 6.00am said good bye to each other (my contingent) at the baggage collection then went though to meet our families. Thailand and Malaysia were both great countries and I really glad that I had the chance to go on the World Scout Jamboree.  I would also like to thank all the scouts that helped me to raise some of the money for my trip by helping out at a bag pack in the co-op.  They can rest assured that their mind numbing, brainless assistance bag packing has given me a wondrous holiday of a lifetime that I shall never forget...ever...ever.

Give it up for The Nolanmeister Please.....Thankyou.
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JAMBOREE 2002 /3
1 year in training, 9 hours bagpacking, 3 Weeks on holiday, 16 weeks in writing, 4 years in editing, 6 years in production

Ladies and Gentlemen, Please welcome the self styled King of Cobden, the Joker of the Jamboree, the man who puts the word fun in scouting, the most renowned Ankle Biter of the world, step forward Mr Johnathon "NIPPY" Nolan
When Nippy Nolan decided to go on the Worldwide Scouting Jamboree camp in December 2002, He knew they'd be only one place to tell His Story. Now hear his side of what really happened in Thailand that Winter/ Summer.  Forget the hype and rumour, and enjoy a witty account of the best camp on Earth told by the master of storytelling.

A "Big up" and a "Massive Respec" along with a cub scout B.R.A.V.O for the little wizard and his wondrous account. have amended some parts of the original text for your enjoyment. Enjoy
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