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Andy Sigley's insight into Scouting and broken arms.

Scouting is really interesting.  I broke my arm once, it really, really hurt.  I was rushed to casualty and was put in plaster.  After a week I had to go back into hospital and stayed again in the Rainforest Ward.  I was told I would have to have pins [put in his arm] and was put to sleep by gas.  It did not smell very nice.  I was given morphine.  It made me very angry.  I have not broken my arm ever again.  I never hope to do it again because it hurt!
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Alex Holowko's piece on Trading Posts and Winter Weekend

Tonight at Scouts, the Togsy's organised a Trading Posts game.  Me, Oli, Statham and Pearson were in our team, and we lost most of our peas [the currency of the night] in games incluing match the singers to the songs and how to tie a bowline.  To be honest it gets very boring after a while because we keep losing our peas!
In a couple of weeks Scouts are going on a winter camp to Linnet Clough.  It will be COLD!  We will be camping in those rubbish Scout tents with the Sod sheets and if you push the actual tent they leak so you get very wet.
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