When shall we three meet again? In thunder, lightning, or in rain? When the Hurly Burly's done When the walk is lost or won?
Not quite the opening conversation of 3 leaders about to take 9 scouts on a walk over Kinder, but there was a hint of foresight for someone to judge whether the walk would be lost or won, Pie dawson calling in his doubters. However this was not until the final blows of the walk and so I shall begin at the beginning. We met as usual at the Scouting Headquarters of Marple at the tenth hour of the second Saturday in September 2005. As planned the pre booked pure blue sky had appeared bang on schedule in the midst of an autumn weekend and we caught the bus to Hayfield. 7 Kinder scouts (not literally, but kind of) and 2 Cobden set off with a dreamcast of leaders to climb Kinder Scout the hill. Maximising efficiency and economy Brock managed to get us all on 3 family tickets with the bus driver, meaning the scouts now has an extra 2 pounds left to spend on sweets due to his masterful haggling. The people on the bus on the way there smiled as our scouts asked silly questions. Why are dogs eyes always brown? Being one. Off the bus and up the hill once all was sorted, this time we had a dog with us so had to be super careful of the sheep and calfs in the fields. Brock surprise number 2 came in the form of Kinderlow Cavern, just up to Kinder Low. Not quite where it was supposed to be on the map, but who needs a GPS in brilliant sunshine anyway? A half hour stop to go inside a small cave one at a time. Within were low rocky spikey roofs and nasty drops, but everyone was entertained and even I was impressed by a new event to the walk. Time though had marched on and we hurried across the plateau towards the downfall. We made it only just past Red Burn for lunch. Nevertheless on a packed summit with no shelter from the wind we ate our sandwiches and soup in the sun before heading on. Across the Downfall in its' usual dribbly state and then the turn for home. But with 2 hours to make the bus home would the scouts manage it? The route was revised for a shorter trip off but its never over till its over. Bumsliding down the grass slopes seemed the quickest way down for the scouts. Some were getting mithered by the slowies and the impending doom that would mean the massive bus fare gains could never be spent. Hurry Hurry Hurry. Once the descent was over, most leaders knew we were as good as home. One wasn't so sure, there could still be a catastophy, especially with some tight boots destroying one scouts pace. Over Williams Clough, along the reservoir and we're almost there. The scouts didn't seem so tired but the Piemans Wolfhound was lagging, a shame it had never really chased any scouts all day. It demanded to wait for its master at the campsite, halting mid road and not being dragged anywhere. The backmarkers were lost somewhere but the main peloton made it to the ice cream shop a good 10 minutes early. Everyone was up for ice creams and the end to an enjoyable walk that had tired them out.
Ladies and Gentlemen, a hand for
Hoggy cobden Sam Cobden Bryn Ellis - Kinder Sam, - another one, Kinder Mark from ispwich Joseph Mischa Dan a final missing scout
And the leaders
Oliver, Oliver, Hibbs Stevie Topman Brock Andy in charge Togs Pie doomsday Dawson and his wolfhound Cassie.