Copyright Togmedia 2002
  AUTUMN 2003 PL APL Walking Weekend

When you tell someone "I'll see you on the A6 in Kendal, near the Town Centre", you'd presume they'd drive along the A6 through Kendal. You'd expect them to take the shortest route to Kendal Town Centre.  What you would not expect would be for them to try and meet you in the large imprecise location of "Kendal Town Centre", and that they would drive past Kendal and then turn round having completely missed the easy route.  This is what I faced at approximately 9pm on Friday 10th October 2003.
Once I'd told the Cretins to stay put, run the whole length of Kendal town, and finally met up with the navigational misfits, then the Scout Walking Weekend could begin.
We continued our journey to Rydal Hall in the Lake District, and promptly began erecting the small hike tents in the dark. 15 scouts had taken up the offer of a walking weekend with myself, mighty John "the destroyer" Dawson and 'the depthcharger" Ian Corbishley.  Having managed to cook their pot noodle, the scouts went to bed, I have no recollection of sending them anywhere.
In the morning, Pieface woke me up too early, cooked the vile "all day breakfasts" and I had flashbacks to the most horrific memories of my life.
The scouts made a right mess and following a quick inspection and question and answer session with kit check we were ready to go  somewhat later than planned.
Route choice and weather was quickly considered and the team eventually decided to attack the Kentmere round. A fearsome circular route in the most inhospitable terrain of the british isles was probably how the scouts' handbook would label it, to Ian it was classified as, "a Girly walk".  The scouts enjoyed the journey to the yokel far out village as they watched star wars in the back via the two flop down video screens  an executive minibus for our monkeys, no less.
Following a parking nightmare at the dead end town of Kentmere and Ian McRae showing off his driving skills, the minibus parked up 2 kilometres away from the start of the walk. Nobody told the scouts this. Having sorted everything out we were on our way.  A ramshackle group of scouts were tired after the first climb and even "my granny went to market" was brought out in an attempt to maintain morale. We also had a spearhead group who raced ahead at every occasion as usual.  Having told the scouts that only a plateau walk was left they were disheartened to see the peaks and troughs of the route through the misty air.
Supreme commander of Lunch, yours truly, set dinner for half oneish and the third peak on route.  Very little to note except that the scouts refused to stay as a group or the front pack stop when we said to. Lunch was splendid. Views weren't great but it was a short but fun stop.  Banksy had brought a full sandwich making kit to the top as he couldn't be bothered making them at camp, while Dan Williams was seen eating a complete tin of Spam.  He had obviously read the kitlist suggesting light weight foods!! In the afternoon progress was hard.  The backmarkers weren't putting any effort in and the front was frustrated at stopping for so long. A mini revolt occurred when the lead group refused to stop. They carried on. Dawson dug his patrol in and ordered them to return. They refused. Again Dawson commanded the front pack to return to where he had told them to stop. After several minutes they returned and faced an unhappy Pie. 
The mist came down and the cold folded in.  Already the whole Kentmere Round was out of the question due to the time and daylight hours.  We made for a supposed shorter route down.  Team orders were issued as Thorbishley was front Man, Dawson :Back man, Tognarelli :navigator, as we trooped altogether through the mist and fog.  Eventually shelter and the mountain pass down was found and we descended back towards home. Bets on swimming in the rydal pool were taken and "who wants to win a pound" was attempted but the other scouts kept shouting out the answers.  Back on the lowlands Pie created trouble trying to take out Corbishley and  then I splashed Pie and a mini spat ensued before Pie pushed me down a ferny slope  I pulled him down with me to great effect.  The final run to home was strung out on tarmac. Alain Ross was first back for Derby cub pack follwed by Arkwright and Ludworth. Every scout was clapped home by thian and the parking place gave a great echo.
On the bus and back to Rydal.  Tea in the Dark was cooked and the England match listened to.  In the drizzle Pie did all the scouts washing up while everyone else piled into the minibus to watch The Rock on our portable cinema.  Some of us got a negative view while others got a black and blue image  oh to have seen it in full colour. The scouts were tired enough to go to bed and sleep.
Woke too early next morning for more ming. Dawson's shock and awe threat never materialised. The scouts cooked themselves a reasonable breakfast. Burt sausage and dried bacon being the order of the day. People who wanted to swim did so now. The water would have been it's usual freezing temperature. Those who had talked the talk couldn't walk the walk. They only went in up to their Knees. Happy were the wise who didn't bother.   We tidied up again and then set off for a walk to Rydal cave. Pity the public who tried to get past our rabble on a singletrack bridge.  We made it eventually for a photo stop and then returned to camp. Drop the tents and we were off to Ambleside for afternoon chips and a look around.  The scouts managed to reassemble accordingly and we departed the lake District.  Ian driving ability wasn't questioned as he dropped me off in Kendal. My challenge was over.  The scouts drove home and as I stepped off the train at 8:30pm news came that Pie was finished and driving home at 8:05pm.
Another enjoyable weekend in the lakes with a new group of mutants who next time will have some clue what it's all about. For those who don't know a Walking weekend means a Walking weekend.
Shadows and dust Proximo

The Cast  In tent Formations

1          The indestructible John Dawson (Leader) and his two ugly sisters AndyTognarelli and Ian Corbishley
2          The formidable Tom Saunders and Matt Wilson
3          Oliver Hibbs and his chum Alex Holowko
4          Graham Cruickshank and the man mountain Bryn Ellis
5          A trio of Alain Ross, Ian Ridgway and the Scout with no Name.
6          Richardo Banks and the Spam Man Dan Williams
7          Christopher Greevy and Raving mad Will from Kinder.
8          Ben Tott and his punishment Dobby Jones.

Pity the Quartermaster after this lot played out.

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