Scout Report: You've heard all the kids' reports of the weekend, now read our exclusive synopsis (That's summary for those of you who go to MH).
Phillip Charles:~ Well, took the phrase "walking blind" to new levels when his glasses misted up, but made up for it with a stunning Potato Sauté.
Paul Duckworth:~ Preferred playing Pokémon to Walking, and moaned every ten-steps about how heavy his bag was (And was part of the Cobden rebel group). Also responsible for pushing Andy Togs over!!! Kept quiet by a Platypus.
Daniel Fidler:~ Almost made to sleep in a tent for being too noisy and generally running around the barn all night. Leader of the rebel forces.
Paul Humpherson:~ When not questioning the leader's decisions (Politely, of course) he was playing on his game-boy. Suffered from Cramp, but kept walking all the same. Kinder's greatest current APL, and has great potential as a venture.
Andrew "Niknak" Nightingale:~ Hmmmm. Probably one of the better navigators, and a strong walker, but even this couldn't stop the scouts going the wrong way on a number of occasions.
Adam Ollier:~ Another rebel. Abseiled down a sheer cliff face without ropes (so he says!!) Map-reading skills can't be that brilliant, as his group ended up about 10 miles away from the end point.
Tom Ridgway:~ Had his birthday on camp, and only got a present from the ventures. Should have been outside with the tents, when he was heard talking way too much. Only bought one spare change of clothes.
Matt "Scouser" Rogers:~ Was never at the back of the group whinging, nor one of the Cobden rebels. Was found snarling and growling at the hills for some reason. Knows too much about Pokémon for a 14 year old!! Claims he's an expert at "pass the pigs"
Rick Sanchez:~ Mini Pie (As in he wore Pie-like clothes). Chose to walk the Fisherman's path instead of going home for fish and chips and to visit Conwy. Cheers Rick.
Michael Sproson:~ Was left with only one pair of dry shorts, and even his sleeping bag got drenched. A keen hiker who actually completed the Saturday walk, but walked through someone's garden on the Sunday. Tut-tut.
Andy Thorpe:~ Was found carrying a small puppy dog in his bag on Sunday. Warmed the hearts of the leaders by offering to go and put up a tent to help his naughty friend. At 1am.
David Williams:~ Kinder boy. Enough said. Always scrounging crisps/chocolate/sandwiches/anyfoodwhatsoever.
John Williams:~ Brother of John. Wore trainers on the Saturday, which helped him to slide down the hills on his bum!!!!!.
LEADERS (WARNING! This may be slightly biased)
John "Pie" Dawson:~ Leader of the Cobden scout group, and a leader who can map read so well that he comes down the wrong side of a mountain. So nice, even pigs liked him! Crap at "Pass the Pigs".
Steev "Campfire" Spreckley:~ No campfire this time, but proved his excellence in front of the flames by being head-chef. Led the only team that completed the walk. BUT let him self down by wearing three-quarter length lederhosen. Alert the Fashion Police. A useful person to have in your group due to his unending supply of sweets and chocolates. Nice.
Andrew Tognarelli:~ Not the sharpest tool in the drawer, but still managed to get his group lost. Started the chases, but lost races to Ducky, amongst others. The first to fall over, and the first to hold Fido above a puddle. Won pass the pigs with a flukey "Leaning jowler" and an illegal manoeuvre. Cheat.
Adrian Tognarelli:~ An outstanding athlete with huge ability and potential. Won half of the hill-races, showing everyone his sporting prowess. A fantastic mapreader - they didn't give him a map because the walk would have been too easy with him leading. A blend of brains and brawn destined for glory. And very modest.
Thomas Tognarelli:~ One of the finest athletes on the course, his running was like that of the famous Valda (And a mountain goat if you ask me!) He has a whole lot of potential coupled with a burning desire for victory. Knows all of the words to "Reach" By S-Club-7 (That's a compliment!) and surely this can only help him in his quest as one of the digi-destined. As you can tell, also reasonably modest.