Copyright Togmedia 2002
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Hmmm, there must be some strange forces at work to commission me to write this article.  Firstly, because I didn't even go on Easter camp (Though I was there for parts of the day and night), and secondly because, as I write this, I should really be busy revising for my next exam  I'm at University don't you know?  I've just arrived back from an Economic theory paper, and, after rushing home, I found a letter from Pie in my pigeon-hole, with an article from one of the Scouts about summer camp.  Many thanks for the article.  However, as there really should be a page brimming with all those Easter camp memories, I have been told to do a piece to try and fill up the page!

I have many happy memories of the most recent Easter camp, but, what with most of them being Venture memories, and things which went on after the Scouts had gone to bed, I don't feel obliged to reveal all.  The Ventures would only moan at me for "Letting all the secrets out the bag".  My only hint would be to say that Offerton are no longer our favourite Venture group!

And so to the recollections I can tell you

After weeks of designing, the leaders, Andy, Steve and Pie, excelled themselves in creating the most impressive camp Welsh dresser since records began.  If you're a parent reading this article, you should be aware that our leaders are superb craftsmen, and gained great admiration from pretty much everyone on the camp-site.  I, for one, was impressed with the structure, and only hope that they can better it next year [Insert your own jokey suggestion here, and have a good laugh!].

Also notable was the continuation of Marple's tradition of doing things olde-style.  The Scouts were cooking on open fires, cutting their own wood, etc None of this fancy gas rubbish for us.  And we probably left the site in better condition than when we found it  we usually do.  It should probably also be said that the camp was one of the easiest that the leaders have run  the Scouts were all well-behaved, with no late night craziness.  They all went home happy with the weekend.

And finally, the greatest memory of Easter camp 2002.  After several years out in the wilderness, the Marple Scouts Football championship trophy has returned to Cobden.  After an epic game, Cobden came from two goals behind to snatch victory in the last few seconds of play.  The match was a very competitive and highly charged game, not to mention incredibly close!  But Cobden won in the end, and that's all that matters to me.  In fact, there's nothing I like more than beating Kinder! 

Not that I condone any sort of divide between the Scouts, however.  Cobden and Kinder are just as good as each other!  No, honest.  No, really, I mean it.  Really!

Well, ok, maybe Cobden are a tad better, but obviously, I'm a bit biased!

Now for the special report...

Andrew Sigley     -   Cobden

The 2002 Easter camp was a great success and there was a great turn out the main activities were: egg rolling and designing an egg, which Dan Pepper won with great triumph, knife and axe skills if you had not done it also a ravine run which was muddy dirty and hard work.  And also the usual cooking on open fire the meals were yummy and sleeping in patrol tents.  We also had the chance to make shelter for 3-4 people, all the shelters were warm and kept the rain off.  So all in all everyone had a great time.

Now where's the rest of your reports - the words "blood" and "stone" spring to mind.

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Well done to the Editor in chief for that splendid article although I think he recieved an article concerning Easter Camp and not Summer camp, but I am not paid enough to change it. Anyway I'll just inform everyone that I should really be sleeping now due to the huge workload I have just got through, and thankfully my Summer Camp Stamina training has seen me through a massive lack of slumber.
Now though - it's a dilemma.
Lying amongst the stack of emails we recieve daily (yeah, right) there is an article concerning Easter Camp.
However ....
1. It is written by a Ranger. - should Ranger articles be published on this site ?
2. It concerns the Ventures / Rangers camping - not particulary addressing the scout issue - but Scout is a family name... blah blah blah.
Contradictory though, the person has had the good will to send in an article which we are only too happy to recieve.
What to do?
Doh! Heres the amended article -  Editor in chief can take it off if it's deemed inappropriate...some words have been replaced with areas from the Shipping Forecast - Both Coastal and Inshore waters........

On top of the heated THAMES between Marple and Offerton ventures, and the Ventures trying to WIGHT  the Rangers with little success (apart from hitting most of IRISH SEA) a lot more happened on Easter Camp. There was the opening and never quite using of the FAIR ISLE, The memorable Scout, Venture Explorer and Leader ground sheet slide (which even Diddy Eddie Spreck took part in) a very unforgettable Venture FASTNET line, and lots of singing, to name a few of the things we did on Easter camp. The walk back from NORTH UTSIRE was amusing with FAEROES jumping out at us. But most of all the best bit by far was the Ranger/ Venture bucket rugby match, with many a person getting squashed in pile ons. When the newbie Venture's tent was moved we all had a  good laugh, and we all thought it was so sweet when Scouse went off with his bag and Andy Togg's ran after him to get him back, (Little did we know Scouse was running off with Andy Toggs' bag) A song was even composed by a few of the Rangers about the Venture SOUTH EAST ICELAND on camp. All in all we had a great time and can't wait until Mersey Moot.      

Anonymous Ranger

worked quite well didn't it. I wonder if I'll get a bonus?

Now where's the rest of your reports - the words "blood" and "stone" spring to mind. Get writing....