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Cub Summer camp. August 1-3rd 2003

This years Cub summer camp was a magical experience.  "The Hogwarts summer camp" was a weekend of fun activities, games, etc based on the Harry Potter books. 

After a coach ride to Barnswood campsite, Macclesfield, the Cubs set up camp before donning the magical sorting hat to be put into their teams, or sixes, for the weekend.  We thought that there might be a few people who'd be upset at being put in the Slytherin (Evil) house, but there were cheers of ecstasy instead.  Fortunately, the Slytherin Cubs were no more evil, conniving or cunning than usual!

The leaders also took on the names and guises of Harry Potter characters, with Mr Fudge (Minister for Magic and Order of Merlin First Class), Sirius, Mad-eye Moody, and Dobby, amongst others.

After exploring the campsite with a wide game, and after some TV watching, it was already time for bed.  I use the word "bed" and not "sleep" since some of the Cubs stayed up till gone 3am!  (But they learnt their lesson when they were tired the next day!).

Saturday involved an early rise for the leaders, with some (well, most) Cubs up and banging around at 6:30 in the morning.  The Cubs were quickly led away from the centre of the campsite to somewhere where they wouldn't wake up everyone else on the site.

The Cubs had a variety of activities on the Saturday, ranging from learning how to wash and dry up their dirty dishes, to building a bird-table, and from wide games to football and cricket.  They also found time to locate the tuck shop! 

The weekend mixed fun, adventure and badge work to cover an impressive range of activities and games, and culminated in every single Cub gaining their Handyman proficiency award, and their Outdoor challenge badge from the progressive award scheme at Cubs.

On Sunday the Cubs woke up a bit later than the day before, but the day was still crammed full of activities.  After a visit to the chapel for "Cubs Own"  - a small part of the Sunday which is set aside for quiet reflection and prayer - the Hogwarts non-stop cricket tournament began.  The leaders embarrassed themselves with some shameful batting, and finished up a poor fifth/last place!

Throughout the weekend, a points system was in operation, so that the winners of each game or activity were rewarded, as were Cubs who'd done a good turn, or been unusually selfless.  All the Cubs got into the spirit of things, and were so well behaved that no teams had any points deducted for the whole weekend!

The Cubs had plenty of free time to mess around in, before they were given their last chance to earn points for their house.  They had to build a shelter in the woods from sticks and branches.  When these had been judged, the award ceremony took place, and the winning six were Slytherin.  The leaders were thinking of giving Gryffindor 300 points just for the sake of keeping tradition with the book, but this was quickly over-ruled by our Professor Snape!

Finally it was time to go home.  Dobby was freed by handing him one of the lost property dirty socks, the coach was packed, and we left the wizarding world for a more familiar one in Marple.

Everyone enjoyed it, leaders included, and many went away with strong thoughts of making sure they were there next year.

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A Hogwarts Summer Cub Camp

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