With blame for the Gangshow being over Easter weekend laid down to the carver theatre gangshow organisers admirably passing the book, the Marple Easter Camp was spread over a week. Explorers camping Monday to Friday along with some Rangers, while the major powers of Marple scouting camped over the following weekend. Scouts, Networkers and some more Rangers chilled out in a typical easter programme.
For the Networkers: a game of football, bucket rugby, the Cobden - Kinder match, some lazing about and then more lazing about around the fire was the order of the day. Throw in some groundbreaking fantastically disastrous pioneering exploits and the creation of a huge wood pile and the weekend is summed up.
For the scouts camp was erected on the Friday night and in accordance with scout protocol they were up till 1 ish talking gibberish in tents. Saturday morning began with a game of football once the areas were clean and the washing up completed. The result went into penalties with full time ending a draw. Not sure who won, it wasn't important. The scouts then spent the afternoon building the usual plastic abodes which claim to be bivouacs. A few brilliant creations, and some disappointingly uncreative use of plastic sheet. They would sleep in them that night. However the annual Cobden Kinder football took precedence for an hour see separate report. More tweaking of bivvies and the placement of kit into the temporary structures before tea. A wide game of Allies versus German Escapees lead to several escapees hiding up trees. Andy togs let down the whole of network by trying to hide in a bivouac under some sleeping bags because he was tired. Poor show. The winners recived the incredible prize of a handshake from Tommy Togs. Something they will treasure forever. Then a long camp fire sing song. Steev sprecks set list running easily to 2 A4 sheets. The usual favourites along with stuart fletch's bear hunt. Then bed. Thank goodness. Sunday morning dawned, inevitably, and the scouts had their clean pots expertedly inspected by the clean pot customs police. Then it was off for a tracking competition around linnet clough before a final game of longball. Apparently the scouts got thrashed by the leader team despite them having 3 times as many players. Then the usual chore of packing up ensued and it was all over. There are obviously many entertaining tales not recounted in this episode, those of for the scouts to tell and legend to hold.
As for the Explorers, the remain a mystery. They used the patented Marple Network Extreme water slide, but didn't really put it back correctly, and then just left it in the middle of a field. Disappointing. If this is how the Explorers wish to be remembered, then let this short summary stand. However, if it was a much better week than is summed up here write in with a proper easter camp report. Pictures also welcome.
Tennents Lager Explorer Chance of Report Writing in League Matt Wilson 8 - 1 Dobbie Jones 15 - 1 Rick Ellis 25 -1 Rod Flanders 50- 1 Todd Flanders 80 -1 Alex Williams 100- 1
All others at 200-1
Send us in your report? was it really as good as last year? All other Easter camp paraphernalia gratefully recieved. Eastercamp@marplescouts.co.uk.