fRIDAY A wet weekend had been forecast for the lake District, a weekend in which four of the six would learn how to camp in hike tents, one would jump in a knee deep bog on purpose and the other would lead the way practically all the time. The ever present Johnie D (3 Bags) had swung us the executive minibus with flip down video screens for the journey, so that at least would be fun. 4 episodes of phoenix nights later, one chat with some chav girls who got on the bus, and one telling off of the scouts and we were at Rydal Hall. The usual plateau site was ours and the leaders camped well away from the scouts. 3 new tents were being put up for the first time, so everyone was learning how to put them up in the dark, well done us. Pot noodles and a light supper then bed. Some scouts had something they shouldn't have and weren't careful with the evidence, otherwise they'd have got away with it.
sATURDAY A late lie in by daswom standards till 9am and the drizzle had begun. It always sounds worse in hike tents, and once up and out, breakfast was agogo. Sheeps had attacked a tent in which no one had been sleeping, the scouts had moved out during the night and so knew nothing apart from some of their food going missing. Sausages, soup, rank all day breakfasts and bacon sandwiches. 2 rounds of tea by which time the scouts were ready to walk the route selected. Out from Rydal to ambleside and up to the summit of Red Screes. Steep sections proved no match for the novice walkers, the slowies not even being that slow. Masterfully navigated, Brock pointed out the various forms of sheep and we climbed steadily up a moorland path. Coats off for climbing, then back on for rain, then off for the plateau, then back on for wind chill. Up we rose, nattering amongst ourselves gaining the odd clearing of cloud to glance across the other tops. Statham launched himself into a thigh deep bog for a bet, thinking it was no threat, everyone else just laughed. The usual altitude countdown went on until the trig point summit was reached and lunch was called. The leaders beef sandwiches were delightful having been well weatherproofed with clingfilm while scouts munched babybels and other such cheese delights. Holed up in a hovel we soon got cold with the wind and having dished out extra hats and gloves went down to the col. Shoelaces were continually retied as the scouts leaped off the hummocky landscape, running down the angled heather slopes.(how poetic, ed.) Then came decision time. Descend into the valley or continue on the ridge. 6 scouts voted 3 and 3 typically till people managed to said they would go on. On we went and up for minutes, until the rain began again. Leaders called it off fearing a deluge and storm on an exposed ridge. Down the valley we trundled with jonesy and crew insisting in jumping in every puddle and ford and splashing everyones else. The sun had come out as we approached ambleside after a surprisingly tiring days walk. Everyone sorted themselves out before residing in the minbus playing cards. Sleep about ten and all was quiet.
sUNDAY the tent had been ransacked again, and there was no rush to breakfast quickly. A shorter walk today around rydal water. Once all was sorted and the scouts had finished playing with stoves and food we marched over the road, past wordsworths house, and around the lake. A detour for the quarry cave amused the scouts and the usual team photo was taken. Down towards the lake and round and then another change. No road section was walked this year, instead a clamber up the valley and then across on a bridleway. We appeared back at the campsite via a hitherto unknown path and began to take down the dry tents and pack up. Littersweep complete and moaning scouts in tow we drove to ambleside for fish and chips. A sit down meal in a greasy chip shop where the scouts got more chips than leaders. The mandatory one hour free time in Ambleside was played for the scouts to buy knives and Pie to get some horrible chocolates. 2 final episodes of phoenix nights and a bit of gladiator later and we were in Marple. A final whistlestop tour of scouts houses and the leaders could finally chill, despite the bus needing a sweep out and some forgotten bags. Another entertaining and fun weekend in the lakes, Fun Rating was a pools panel result: Home Win.
The Crew -scouts
Gaz Hibbs, Jonesy, Jordan, john waynne, andy statham, tom pearson
and those who put up with them
Pie, Andy togs, Stevie brocklehurst. |