Friday 5th July 10pm Hello and Welcome to our first prologue edition for the Marplescouts.co.uk Live coverage of Dragnet 2002 broadcast from the Venture Suite within Marple's very own Venture Den. Tonight 8 Ventures will set off at midnight hoping to avoid capture for 36 hours while travelling 50Km to a final checkpoint for 11am Sunday Morning. Unfortunately we can't bring you the live news and pictures, but with the top pundits here: Tommy Togs (twice dragnet competitior) and for the moment Kieth Frazer (Venture/Vexplorer Leader) we'll try and recreate some of the magic created by this competition. Watching football on teletext can be very exciting you know! Now, Lets look at the line ups: Team 1.Tom Ridgeway,Andy Makin, John and David Williams. Team 2.Andy Thorpe, Paul Humpherson, Rick Sanchez and Paul Duckworth First impressions Tommy? "Well firstly I am dissappointed with the 1/7 Cobden/Kinder ratio, and secondly this makes them a touch unknown. I haven't a clue who'll do the Navigating or if they know how to - presumably they were taught the Kinder way and hopefully they'll be okay. They are both relatively new teams which lack experience and pedigree in this division, but I wouldn't rule the younger bunch out of the competition just yet." Keith? "Well currently I have a tenner with Corbishley on the older bunch to beat the nippers and Ladbrokes are agreeing with me. They have only recently come into my department, and hopefully they'll have learnt a bit about how to have a Bunfight in a Bakery by now." Any tips you'd give them Tommy? "Enjoy it, Don't lose any lives, and WIN, WIN, WIN." And who will win Tommy? "It's a close one but seeings as the Nippers look more like a team and most of them have heads on their shoulders, I'll have to go with them" Keith? "The old boys are more experienced and look good to me" So there you are, the drama begins, pack up your bivvy bag, find out your grid reference and we'll see you in two hours for the beginning of Dragnet 2002 LIVE. Goodbye.

Saturday 6th July 12am Good Morning,You rejoin us, here, LIVE in the middle of a private lock-in within one of Marple's most finest Public Establishments for Dragnet Live 2002. Dragnet 2002 has just kicked off and here to discuss their early thoughts, regular Tommy Togs and this time Paul Amphlett. So Boys, what will be going through their minds now? "Well, when I did it, I just remember waking up from the bus thinking "This is a really strange Hotel room", and why the heck in the name of Harry Potter did I agree to this?" and you Tommy? "I relished the challenge to come. If we're lucky it'll Hail, Snow and Frost out there tonight and those boys will show their true strengths - or lack of them." What will the first tactics be? Thomas? "Well, I'd run like there was no tommorrow, Navigation would hopefully be sorted out by now so we'd know where we're going and just do it. Just arm yourselves to the teeth and go nail some bananas. Woohaa!" "Indeed Tommy, I have to agree, any which way but out of the bus would be my tactic." So they'll have just set off, what will they be trying to do? "Firstly they'll want to get rough. Off the roads and into hiding, they'll have to be quick though to stay ahead of the crowd. That first hour goes so quickly" And you're still sticking with the Team of Midget Gems Tommy? Yeah, Dan Hopwood rang to agree with me so I hope I've chosen right." Well we'll see you after some sleep in 9 hours time as Tommy reminds us of whats happening,and guest summariser John Dawson will be with us to discuss his thoughts. Join us then. Goodnight. Sleep Well.

Saturday 6th July 9am Good Morning and Welcome back aboard the Dragnet ship, beaming live from the dry cleaners in Marple where Top Scout Leader John Dawson has just picked up his washing and now sits down next to Tommy Togs to give his views on the only event that is capturing the Marple Scouting's... "Well excuse me Richard, but there is actually the Cobden bicycle ride happening today, which is a massive big date in anyone's calendar and I think you should think more clearly before you make ridiculous accusations like that. Call yourself a big name presenter.. tut" Yes indeed. Sorry. Well Tommy, How would you be faring after 9 hours in the big, wide, world? "It's about this time that you begin to need some sleep having been awake for 24 hours since Friday morning and if you're lucky you can collapse in some lovely,squashy reeds. I remember the best ground I ever slept on was in Cumbria, just a shame the tent wasn't that big." And what are your views John? "Well, I just admire them for doing it. They're great lads really, and if they were brought up the kinder way like me, this will be a walkover. I am full of admiration for them. Never have so few, brought so much joy, to so many. They're all stars, stars I tell you." Indeed John. Now Tommy where will they have got to on the map and how will they be mentally? "We never used to sleep till we'd covered one map out of the two and by then my brain was usually as fried as some of Chius best prawn crackers. They'll have been as paranoid as a dog about seeing cars and searchers, so that will have taken it's toll as well." Yes, Quite. Now John, Does this compare with anything you've ever done? "No, not really, but aren't they a cracking set of super lads. Magnificent is the only way to describe them. Superb" And Tommy, I presume you haven't changed your mind? "Have I ever? Although Amphlett did tell me I was on a hiding to nothing." Well the competition continues. Make sure you're back in 9 hours to see Tommy Togs reconstruct just how the lads will be feeling. See you then. Goodbye

Saturday 6th July 6pm Hi, you're back once again with the renegade master for the 6 'o' clock news on Dragnet 2002 LIVE and we're glad you're able to join us. With me at the moment here in Marplescouts.co.uk. Headquarters, is top Dragneteer Tommy Togs and this time he's accompanied by Ginger brother Andy Togs. So, Tommy, You've been out for 18 hours now. What would you be doing in their situation? "Primarily I'd be counting the mosquito and midgey bites that have happened while I was sleeping during the day, and getting rid of any mites that still have their teeth stuck in me. They shouldn't have any leeches on them yet though, that would be bad luck!!" I never expected it to be that rough. "Well it is. Mind you, every cloud has a silver lining - I've never eaten so many insects in one day." MMM. What would your reaction be to the situation be Andy? "Probably something like "Who's going to make the tea? and has anyone got any spare food?" You have to get your priorities right in this scenario, and once you've woken up and cried about your predicament for 10 minutes, quarter of an hour. Then you have to get on with it, see what you've got and where you have to go?" And do you think the teams have any trouble in the distance department? "MMMM.. it's a toughie. I 'm sure I've snapped a few of them in their time, but this time it's all their own stupid fault and they'll have to dig themselves out of their own holes. I'll have nothing to do with it." Tommy, Just what sort of shape will their morale be in now? "Depends where they are distance wise and the number of lives lost really doesn't it? And before you ask, I have this email from regular viewer, Mrs Duckworth from Marple who says that "Thomas Togs is right, Paul's Team will bring it home." Well there you have it. They may have to wait till dark before they start moving again, but we'll move straight out of here to a party and are scheduled to see you next at 11am tommorrow when the troops are in. Have a nice night.

SPECIAL BULLETIN Saturday 6th July 10pm Well,it seems a shame to greet you with such sadness, here at the Marple Consevative Club Shepley Hall, but news has finally filtered through that the older team of Ridgway, Makin and the Williams has had to drop out. Tommy - thats a real blow and such a shame. "I hate to say I told you so, but I told you so." Lets see if we can get any sympathy from Ian Corbishley who 's sat round our table at the moment. Ian? "It is a tragedy, and unfortunate but one of those things you just have to deal with. It's happened to me often enough." So, there you have it. Confirmation that one team has dropped out. Can Marple's youngsters still fly the flag? Is Tommy Togs set to make a killing? and will Ian spend Keith Frazers tenner on round of Mineral Waters? More analysis at our final show. We'll see you tommorrow morning at 11. good night

Sunday 7th July 11am Good Morning all, to our final edition on Dragnet 2002 LIVE, brought to you by Marplescouts.co.uk. Tommy Togs has taken up his place on the covered box by the dart board, here at the Venture Suite once again. The final results are in and it' s nice to say that the Marple team finally came home in 4th place with one life left in tact. Tommy. "Well, it was probably the Cobden lad that saved them, but rivalry aside it's a good result for a first time entry. They'll have learnt alot and will be seriously tired from the whole weekend, I know I am, just from reporting on it." So 4th place in Marple is still one to be beaten then? "You're not wrong - and it will be next year. This year though the minors brought it home for us and a big "well done" to them", especially since I guessed right." And on the dissapointment of last night Tommy, However do you console that team? "I'd probably tease them and batter them into entering again next year, where they won't allow the same thing to happen, thats for sure." So, now we wait for the team reports and accounts of what went right and wrong, in one of the greatest competitions within venture scouting. Marplescouts.co.uk will have the full reports later on but thats the end of us here at Dragnet LIVE 2002. Thanks for being with us for the past day and a half. From Tommy and me and all the crew. Goodbye.

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