Marple Gang Show has kicked off again this year for the 4nd time, with a record number of cast-members (well, it looks like that from where I'm sat!)
Mike Spreck is keeping up his 100% record, and looks all set to be playing Santa Clause (with Mike apparently having agreed to growing a full Father Christmas style beard in his contract!) For the first time ever there were boy auditions, although thankfully, of those who turned up to the actual audition, none were disappointed!
The Explorer dressing room promises to be a full one, whilst upstairs might also be a bit crowded!
The cast have been warned to keep everything tip-top secret just in case any of the producer's masterstrokes makes it into anyone else's Gang Show routines before we get ours out, so we're officially banned from saying too much! Needless to say the Show WILL feature at least 10 boys wearing women's clothes (maybe even more), plenty on people prancing around in Lycra (tasteful), and one big can-can style kick for the Girlies to get excited about (and practice relentlessly).
We'll keep you posted!
Well done to those (foolish) Cobden boys, who started their Nights under Canvas tally for the year at a cold weekend in Linnet Clough.
Whilst Ian Corbishley dropped out after 1 night ("it's too cold and I need a shower."), 13 true Cobden-boys and three Explorers / Young Leaders, and Pie managed to make it through the freezing temperatures a second night, and got their Brand-New Green Polar Bear award for doing so!
The Cobdeners also managed to grab some extra badges for winning the Crate stacking competition (stacking milk-crates), which Pie proudly reminds us, is for the second year running! If there was one thing I wish I was good at it'd be crate-stacking.... or not. Well done anyway though!
Full report is due to follow, but a great time was had by all!
Andrew Sigley has put himself in the frame for a Gang-Show solo, with a fantastic rendition of Shayne Ward's "That's My Goal" apparently reducing celebrity-panelist Stevie Spreck to tears.
Andy, the self-professed best-dresser in Marple Gang Show, stole a march on the Ridgway brothers when he managed to convince Alison Hooton and Rachel Walker to buy him a few moments on his own with Scouting duo Adrian Coates and producer Steve, who were running the competition to find out who the best singer in Marple Gang Show is.
When his row was called, Ms Walker managed to persuade the Row 4ers to do a little dancing practice in the corridor, whilst Siggers secretly sang his heart out.
Sigley has a history of solos, having taken Edelweiss to the masses some years ago, but was overlooked for any individual roles last year.
His chances of landing his dream solo in ***** (I did say that we were banned!) will have been improved by the last-minute pulling out of Sam Peach, who stole the show with his Aladdin impressions last year, although Adam Ollier has admitted he's keen for a chance to sing in the limelight!
In true fashion, we have the odds (currently available at betfair if you're interested!)
A. Sigley - 4/6
I. Ridgway - Evens
M Ridgway - 2/1
O Hibbs - 4/1
A Ollier - 5/1
T Togs - 8/1
S Peach(*) - 33/1
(*) May get asked back to sing just his one solo per show so he still has time to do his homework.